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Having a Primus heart specialist manage your care gives you access to the latest technology and treatments. Our ongoing collaboration to set nationally accepted treatment guidelines ensures you benefit from heart care that is backed by experience and results.
Superior Patient Care OutcomesStudies show that major medical centers like ours that treat high volumes of patients achieve better results -- including fewer complications, faster recovery, and better long-term survival rates.
Primus Minimal Access & GI SurgeryPrimus experienced surgeons perform procedures through small incisions in your body. The minimally invasive procedure speeds your recovery, minimizes scarring, and lowers the risk of injury to other organs.
Primus General SurgeryPrimus General Surgery department aims towards providing the highest standard of quality patient care, encompass across a broad spectrum of complex surgical interventions. We are highly committed to providing the safest, compassionate and most result-oriented clinical care to enhance patient outcomes.
With an unparalleled domain knowledge and availability of the most advanced technology along Primus provides each patient with a comprehensive evaluation and customized treatment in the best possible manner.
Senior Consultant and H.O.D - Minimal Access, GI And Metabolic Surgery
Associate Consultant Department Of General, Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
It is a highly developed technique for doing all types of surgical procedures. It is also known as Laparoscopic Surgery, Keyhole Surgery or Band-Aid surgery. A thin telescope known as laparoscope and working instruments are inserted through small incisions (3-12mm) in the abdominal wall and the laparoscope is attached to a tiny video camera which shows the inside view of patient’s body to a high resolution in the monitors. These incisions are usually covered with surgical glue/ closed with absorbable sutures and after a few weeks are barely visible thus avoiding any follow-up visit for suture removal.
There are several advantages like
Minimal Access surgery or the laparoscopic surgery reduces the hospital stay by half. In some MAS the patient can be discharged on the same day.
Book an appointment with one of our specialists today and live a pain-free and healthy life